Camp Life


Campers are housed in rustic cabins with other campers their own age and with a camp counselor or two.  Campers are required to work together to keep these living arrangements clean and orderly during the week.  Cabins will be inspected daily by the Camp Nurse.

Other camp facilities include:

  • Swimming pool
  • Archery range
  • Low ropes course
  • GaGa Ball pit
  • Bath house with hot water and showers
  • Dining hall
  • Recreational Pavilion
  • Craft hall
  • Science center
  • Health center
  • Staff housing

Note: Our cabins do not have electricity or running water, please send a flashlight with extra batteries.


Campers may select one friend to bunk with when coming to camp.  In order to be cabinmates, campers must be of the same sex, age, and grade in school. You may not request counselors.

In order for us to honor cabinmates, campers must be sure to list each other on both of their applications. 

Please note that being cabinmates means campers would be in the same cabin, but does not guarantee that they will be in the same platoon group or classes.  There are many times at camp to see friends (recreation periods, activity time, cabin time, etc), so we encourage campers to try and spend a little time away; this provides them an opportunity to meet new friends while at camp. 

Class Changes

Many of the classes offered at 4-H Camp Shankitunk are popular choices among campers young and old.  While we would love to offer every class each period, this is just not possible. Sometimes classes fill up, and we can't squeeze any additional campers in. This is for the safety of all campers and staff as well as due to DOH regulations in certain classes.

Since our move to the UltraCamp platform, campers can now choose classes in real time during registration. Campers also have the opportunity to be put on a Waiting List for a class that is currently full. Class changes are able to be made by campers prior to the Wednesday before their camp session in the UltraCamp portal.

As a result of this change in protocol, we will no longer be accepting class changes on Sunday during registration. If you need to request a change in classes for your child, (for example, an ear infection leaves your camper not wanting to take swim class) we ask that you notify us the week before arriving at camp.  Although email notification is preferred, a quick phone call to camp will absolutely do the trick. This will allow us to have the change done and ready for you at registration, and would also allow us time to move a camper into that class if there had been a waiting list.  If for some reason, a camper still needs to request a class change after arriving at Camp, they will need to wait until Monday morning after DayCamp registration is complete.

Thank you for your understanding, and please let us know if you have any questions. 

Snack Lockers

Our snack lockers are an opportunity to bring a small comfort from home. They should not be a focus of the camp experience.

Camp provides three square meals and two snacks each day. Campers will be well fed and should survive just fine without any additional snacks; however, we will allow campers to bring additional snacks if the following guidelines are observed:

  • We encourage sending healthy snacks as opposed to candy whenever possible.
  • Send no more than a 2-quart size zip lock bag. (This should be plenty for a one-week stay at camp.)
  • Your camper's bag should be labeled with their name.
  • Bags must be stored in assigned snack locker.
  • Campers may only retrieve their snacks during recreation periods A and B.
  • Campers must return the Snack Key to their cabin when finished for others to use.
  • NEW FOR 2025: While we understand that sending care packages to campers can help connect them with home, we will no longer be accepting care packages that include snacks/food. Any food packages will be confiscated until pick-up on Friday. 

Please keep in mind . . .

  • Snacks are optional; not required.  
  • Snack locker use is not always regulated.
  • Snacks that melt should be avoided.
  • Please be considerate of possible allergies and avoid nuts.
  • You can try segmenting out snacks by day.
  • Snacks are available in the camp store.

Behaviors that will result in disciplinary action: Snacks are a privilege which can be revoked if problems arise (littering, theft, etc.)

  • Keeping snacks in the cabin.
  • Leaving messes (wrappers, sticks, etc) around camp
  • Taking snacks that are not yours.

Thank you for your understanding, and please let us know if you have any questions.


We love to sing at Shankitunk. Did your camper have a favorite song, but didn't quite catch all of the words . . . no worries. You can now download the songbook. Coming soon!


Available Items

Our camp store sells a variety of small convenience items as well as snacks and our traditional clothing line. Some of these include:

  • Snacks
  • Knick Knacks
  • Writing Supplies
  • T-Shirts & Hoodies

Camp store money can be used for cabin photos on Friday at pick-up.


  • Sunday Registration for Overnight Campers.
  • Daily during Recreation periods A & B for camper purchases.
  • Thursday evening at Day Camp pick-up.
  • Friday Pick-Up following the Closing Ceremony at 5:00.


During registration in UltraCamp parents may deposit up to $20.00 on an account for their camper to use during the week.


Camp store account money is non-refundable. Since these accounts are non refundable, any remaining funds can be spent on Friday by the parents after the closing ceremony, transferred to a second week, or donated to camp.