Health Requirements

2025 Requirements

The following are Required for your child to attend camp. Please be sure that they are complete before submission. Our required forms can be completed during registration through Ultracamp. If you anticipate an issue with completing these forms online, please contact camp at or call (607) 865-6531. 

  • HF1 & HF2: Parent/Guardian forms (Emergency contact, permission to treat, health history, etc)
  • HF3: Physician Form
  • Copy of last Physical
  • Copy of Immunization Record (see below for additional information)
  • Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Camp & Coronavirus/COVID-19
  • Code of Conduct
  • Photo Release
  • Refund Policy Acknowledgement


Required forms are due by June 1st for screening purposes. Upon screening, if it is discovered that an item is missing or incomplete we will attempt to contact you by phone. Please submit missing or completed paperwork as soon as possible.


Required forms will be submitted through your personal Ultracamp account.

Immunization Requirements

Dear Parents/Guardians, As of June 13, 2019, the New York State Legislature passed, and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a major update to Public Health Law 2164 which only allows for medical exemptions from immunizations only. Accordingly, Cornell Cooperative Extension/4H Day and Overnight camps will no longer be able to accept any exemption other than a doctor issued medical exemption for vaccinations to help ensure public health and safety. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

You must submit your paperwork by June 1st. If you cannot produce your forms, including proof of required immunizations, your child will not be allowed to remain at camp and you may forfeit your spot.

Some additional Background information:

Subpart 7-2 of the New York State Sanitary Code requires camps to maintain immunization records for all campers which includes dates for all immunizations against diphtheria, haemophilus influenza type b, hepatitis b, measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, tetanus and varicella (chickenpox). The record must be kept on file for every camper and updated annually. Camps should also maintain current, complete immunization records for all camp staff.

New York State Immunization Requirements


Since 2020, 4-H Camp Shankitunk has pivoted and transitioned at each turn of the pandemic, striving to balance the seriousness of the pandemic with the joy and benefits of the camp experience. We, like many camps across the globe, have closely followed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health guidelines from strict prevention to mitigation and containment, endeavoring to protect the campers, families, staff and volunteers in our camp community from serious illness.
On May 11, 2023, the US declared the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency signifying an end to certain federal policies and data collection. However, coronavirus remains a public health priority and one of a multitude of respiratory viruses that may be present at camp this year.
The safety and health of our camp community is the highest priority at 4-H Camp Shankitunk. We will continue to use a variety of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to mitigate/prevent the spread of communicable disease within the camp setting. A layered approach provides stronger protection because no one strategy is 100% effective. For summer 2025, these layers will include:
Prior To Arrival:
• Encouraging pre-arrival testing (though not required)
• Requesting campers stay home if they are sick
Upon Arrival:
• Conducting a health check screening at the start of each session. Campers who present with illness will not be permitted to stay. Where possible, registrations will be rescheduled to another available week.
During Camp:
• Maximizing outdoor programming areas,
• Handwashing,
• Promoting good respiratory etiquette,
• Discouraging sharing of personal items between individuals,
• Daily screening/symptom observations,
• Cleaning and sanitizing shared spaces regularly,

If/when respiratory diseases become present and appear to be spreading in camp, extra measures may be instituted, including masking and diagnostic testing (if an individual is exhibiting signs or symptoms of illness). Please Note: 4-H Camp Shankitunk does not have the capacity to quarantine multiple individuals for extended periods of time. Campers who test positive for Covid-19 or other communicable diseases will be isolated in the Health Center and must be picked up as soon as possible upon notification to the family. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

These requirements and recommendations are subject to change based on guidance from our local Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), as well as COVID-19 Community Levels as defined by the CDC.

We wish all of you a safe, happy, and healthy summer and look forward to having you join us at 4-H Camp Shankitunk this season.

The Administrative Team at 4-H Camp Shankitunk